PICT.IO, a game for humans and machines (2018- in progress)

PICT. IO is a collaborative game for humans and machines based on the popular drawing game Pictionary. This game builds on Google’s’ experiment Quick, Draw, which uses a neural network to guess what you are drawing. In this game, each team is composed of two humans and one machine, communicating through drawings and speech, as they work together to solve challenges.

The project aims at creating a situation in which the AI players are allowed and expected to make mistakes, just like human players. The introduction of mistakes is a stimulus for the game to be a fun experience, other than a showcasing of the machine’s technical ability.

 The game has three challenges:

 Drawing on the Wall

The human receiver is given the word, which will not be seen by the other players. The player who saw the word must draw on a wall, using just their fingers, without leaving any visible mark. The second human acts as a proxy, following the trajectory of the finger of the first in the tablet. The AI program has one minute to guess what is being drawn.


Blind Drawing

In this challenge, the drawer sketches the selected word without looking into the screen and using the non-dominant hand, while the AI has 30 seconds to guess what is being drawn.


Verbal Description

The player who saw the word must verbally describe it, using only geometrical figures and spatial orientation. The second human acts as a proxy, following the instructions and trying to reproduce it on the screen of the tablets. The AI program has one minute to guess what is being drawn.


Julia Zamboni,

Luciano Frizzera

Julia Salles

Video: Felipe Carrelli



Group Machine Agencies  




PICT.IO was born at the study group Machine Agencies, a project led by professor Bart Simon. The group is part of the Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology, from Concordia University